Thursday, March 29, 2007

Bike Mods #2 and #3

It's Springtime and I've got motorcycle fever big time. Last Sunday was great. We rode with a group of about 8 bikes, all family, out to a local state park. Beautiful weather and great company. You can't ask for anything better.

Last night I added two more modifications to my bike. [Note: Mod #1 was saddlebags.] Mod #2 is a new set of grips. I added the Kuryakyn ISO Flame Grips with the Stiletto End Caps. Very comfy!

The other mod (#3) I added was a new set of mirrors. I put on some really slick and mean looking Arlen Ness Rad II Teardrop chrome mirrors. They are tiny but still functional.

Stock Photo


Other modifications I am considering are louder pipes, a chrome air filter cover, and a Memphis Shades fork mounted windshield (right now I've got handlebar-mounted).

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Creative Mentality

It's been a while since my last post. I did get a PS3 in December and have been enjoying it very much. The Blu-ray functionality works very smoothly, which is more than I can say for our HD-DVD player.

2007 has started out as a very busy and fulfilling year for me. January brought us a new Labrador puppy - a chocholate Lab we named Ryker. He's such a cutie! He's kind of a mix between what Kobe was and Dax is. Kobe was very active whereas Dax is the laid back gentle soul. Ryker is definitely somewhere in between. I'm amazed at just how calm he can be sometimes. He's very attentive, walks on a leash very well already, and a chewer. Oh boy, is he a chewer! But he's been responding to us and his obedience training very nicely. (Cute pic, but his eyes are actually green.)

February brought me back into my creative mode (hence the title of this entry). I've decided to go back to learning piano. This time I plan on going all the way. I bought a new keyboard and have been loving every minute of it. There are a couple of options for me to take lessons, but for now I am self teaching. I won't really have time for lessons until late summer/fall, so I'll re-evaluate my progress at that time. I won't go into too much detail right now about my progress. I want to set a goal to make small, frequent updates, but I will add one more tidbit. Here's a picture of the keyboard I bought:

It's a Yamaha PSR-E403 keyboard. It's got 61, full-size, and slightly weighted keys (like a real piano). It also has a feature that Yamaha calls Touch Response™ that allows me to play it like a real piano, too. In other words, I can play f (loud), mf (moderate), or p (piano) just as if I were playing an actual piano.

And finally, I've also begun writing again. Well, more gathering ideas but I have put pen to paper on a few occasions. I'm currently working on a book of poetry (with a theme) and a screenplay for a short film. My husband is a film school graduate and he, too, is getting in touch with his creative and technical side again. It's nice to be working together. Should be fun.