Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Xbox 360 Preorder Woes

If M$ isn't careful, they're gonna botch the launch of the 360. History already shows us that consumers don't like supporting expensive consoles, and this expensive console has two skus to add to the confusion. Not to mention gamers are already bitter over hoping for a $300 price point only to hear the announcement that the "good" 360 will be $100 more. And never mind the fact that Japan is only getting one sku at $350 that includes the HDD, etc. compared to $400 for the U.S.

Oblivion has already been delayed until next year sometime and I fear a similar announcement for other top-tier 360 games is just around the corner even this close to the supposed launch date. To sum up my feelings about this, it makes me nervous. But it also makes me very happy it's not our $800 going toward two 360's (remember, we're getting ours as a Christmas gift). But over the past week, I've tried to heighten my excitement for the 360. I've actually grown a little more enthusiastic about it.

Fast forward to tonight when I go to EB to buy SW: Battlefront II. The store manager (who, btw, has taken very good care of us), pulls me to the side to "talk." Uh-oh. Seems M$ has made the announcement that they're cutting shipment allotments everywhere (probably due to their desire to launch in three separate countries within a short amount of time - what happened to a game company launching in its home country first???? Japan does it) and we will only be receiving one of our two fully-paid-for 360s on launch day. In fact, we'll be lucky to get our second 360 in EB's second shipment that could be as early as the Friday after Thanksgiving - but there is no guarantee. The only reason I should get one on launch day is because I preordered it back in May. Our second 360 wasn't preordered until August. And even though they are both fully paid for with an EB warranty each, we won't be bringing both home on launch.

What that means is, we'll keep the preorder at EB (the manager offered me cash back) and wait it out. Come launch day, we might check out the Walmart that's next door to EB and buy one there if they've got enough and then get our money back at EB. But if we can't find one, we'll just have to wait until EB gets one in for us. The manager also told me that M$ even stated that they will not allow EB to sell us two 360s under one account (how it's set up right now), so we'll have to transfer one of the 360s to Craig's name. The deal is, M$ doesn't want 360s showing up on ebay. Hey, I've got an idea (and the other EB employee agreed with me), produce enough 360s and that won't happen. All they've gotta do is look back at the PSP launch. Remember how they weren't selling for much on ebay (and still aren't)? That's because you could walk into any store on launch day and buy one, or two, or three. If M$ doesn't get enough 360s out for launch, ebayers will make a killing.

So, in a nutshell (too late, ha!), my already soured taste for the 360 is growing rotten. M$ needs to be careful about what they tout and promise, because they like to say that Sony promises the world and then doesn't deliver, but M$ certainly isn't perfect. M$ should at least allow those who've fully paid for their preorder to get a 360. I may be getting two 360s for free, but I've still got to buy the games. I went in to EB tonight planning on plopping down some $$$$ for our reserved games so that everything is paid in full before launch. After I got that news, I left with my 2 Battlefront II copies, a sad face, and a fuller wallet. And then went to Walmart to buy Metroid Prime Pinball and Star Wars III (take that, M$!). If it weren't for Xbox Live, I'd rid my personal life of all M$ products.... I've already dropped their Windows operating system (more on my new Apple PowerBook later!!!!).

Maybe a miracle will happen and they can get more shipments out than expected, but recent news stories are reporting the opposite. Oh well. Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection debutes Nov 14 - a whole week before the 360 launch - and I foresee much of my Thanksgiving vacation being spent playing Mario Kart online with my husband, my buddy wporter and any other Junkie who can!!!

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