Tuesday, May 25, 2010

i, filmmaker

I sometimes feel lost before going into production. The high from the last project has worn off. The script writing stage is lonely. Pre-production frightens me.

But then, something magical happens. The producer in me takes over and I find myself knee deep in pre-production and the excitement starts to sizzle. The butterflies are coming out of their cocoons and fluttering in my gut.

Days and weeks go by and the director in me takes over and I find myself standing in the middle of a set about to call "Action!" The butterflies have flown away, and the heat is on. My blood is boiling over with excitement and determination. I'm on a high. On a cloud. Moving without thinking. It's not auto-pilot, but I instinctively know what to do, where to go, what to say.

I was born to tell stories. I was born for this. I am a filmmaker.

(originally written December 29, 2009)

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