Saturday, November 19, 2005

MeLt mY FaCe

Yusssssss! After a little warming up, I conquered Face-Melters in Medium tonight. Yes, I'm referring to Guitar Hero. Again. What can I say? The game is one of the greatest I've ever played. Ever. And I've been gaming for 24 years. Guitar Hero is without a doubt going in my D-Pad Junkies Best of 2005 Top 10 list.

One thing I have noticed is that the more I play, the better I get. It's just like any musical artist; you gotta practice to be good. Professional musicians probably play their songs thousands of times to perfect them. And then playing them live is even more practice. So, playing the game over and over definitely makes a difference.

Earlier in the week, I thought I'd never make it through Face-Melters. Thought I'd only be able to complete one song in the category - "Texas Flood." I had tried "Bark At the Moon" (arguably the hardest song in the game) and failed miserably with only making it 10% into the game before I got boo'd off stage. However, after taking a three night break from playing it (thanks to Mario Kart DS!), I decided to toy around with it tonight and see what I could accomplish. I went through the Face-Melters songs one after another and even made it through "Bark At the Moon" after only three tries!

I never thought I'd say this, but I think I'm ready to try out Hard mode. I've still got a lot to improve on in Medium, but once upon a time, I feared Medium as much as I do Hard and Expert.

My face has been melted.

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