Monday, June 2, 2008

re-shooting blues

Doing things over again goes against everything I believe in, but sometimes I just have to. And this is one such time. I've decided to re-shoot a certain pivotal scene in Degree of Blood. Not my favorite thing to do. I hate to 'waste' a night of shooting something we have already shot. But I do believe it's for the best. It's a pivotal scene and one that can't be half-assed. This is my directorial debut and I certainly don't want to completely blow it.

Fortunately, the actors involved are understanding, and that means the world to me. Their performances were fine, great even, so it's not because of them. Our lighting, framing, and direction simply lacks the punch that the scene requires. We're on schedule to re-shoot the scenes this weekend, which actually works out quite well. Our two leads are tied up with other things anyway, which helped ease my decision.

Filmmaking is such a huge effort. Not just on my part but all who are involved. And I greatly appreciate everyone's support.

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