Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Ramblings From an Ex-Frustrated Writer

It feels good when the ideas flow out of me naturally. After several months of assisting Craig with Legion, adapting a short story of mine into a script, and brainstorming ideas for future stories, I am finally nearing completion on a script for another short film. It feels good to create something from nothing. It's been a long time since I wrote something completely original (aside from assisting and adapting). The satisfaction I already feel, and the first draft isn't even complete, is so liberating. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. And at the other end is another idea waiting to be harvested.

Plus, I'm learning that we have a niece who may have some natural acting ability and who may even have some friends who do, too. Things are definitely looking up. Casting for future films may not be the most horrible thing ever to pull off after all.

It's funny, I stopped gaming because I felt I was wasting my life away. Now that I'm using that spare time to write (among enjoying other life activities), I'm finding I can squeeze in time for gaming and actually enjoy it again. I'm not gaming every single spare moment I have - I hope to never fall into that rut again - and it allows me to appreciate my time much more.

Because of my breakthrough, I'm feeling a little less frustrated. At least for now.

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